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Latest|25 January 2016

Beating the Blizzard

We’re now safely home in the UK and thawing out after an eventful week in the States. Here’s Andrew, with the final instalment of this tour’s travel blog. “As Will explained in his blog about our sadly-curtailed stay in Washington DC, we decided along with the Folger Consort to leave town ahead of the arrival of…

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Blog|23 January 2016

Snow on snow on snow…

It’s been an eventful few days. Our intrepid logistics-man, Will Dawes, 36, tells all… “After a few excellent days in and around Westerly, the group jumped back into our MPVs on Tuesday and headed back onto the I-95 for a mere 8hr journey to DC, We enjoyed the stunning skyline of Manhattan on the way,…

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Blog|21 January 2016

Warm welcome in Westerly

We had a great time visiting Westerly, RI, the first stop on our current US tour. Here’s Eleanor: “After eight hours on a plane followed by three in a car, there’s nothing like a good dose of American hospitality to cheer us up and help us shrug off the jetlag. That’s exactly what we got…

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Blog|15 November 2015

Going Underground

Emma reports on Stile’s return to one of our favourite destinations: “I got more than a few raised eyebrows when I told people I was taking my five week old baby to Switzerland so I could work, but I explained this was really an unmissable trip – after all, it’s not every day you are…

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Blog|8 March 2015

Back Home

After two flights and a modicum of sleep, we’re safely back in the UK. Our final tour concert in Columbus was a great success, and it was a particular pleasure to see so many of the students with whom we had worked at Oberlin in the audience. Any sore heads the morning after were offset by an…

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Blog|7 March 2015

“We’ll be back…”

Tom is pumped for today’s blog… “Since long before the tour, I had envisaged that our day in Columbus, Ohio, would be my personal highlight for one very specific reason: the Arnold Sports Festival. Synonymous for bodybuilding fans the world over with Arnold Schwarzenegger’s passion for the pursuit of muscle since he inaugurated the festival in…

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Blog|6 March 2015

“O-H! I-O!”

Eleanor shows us all that hard work has its rewards… “Leaving the others to get even more sunburned in Miami Beach, Andrew and I flew to a snowy Columbus late on Wednesday night. This was so that we could drive to the nearby Oberlin Conservatory of Music the following day. Education work is an important part…

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Blog|5 March 2015

Technical hitch

After a week of tightly-packed concerts, Wednesday’s day off in Miami Beach was meant to be relaxing. It didn’t quite work out like that… Ben has the story. “Frankly we’re pretty relieved to be waking up today with all our limbs still attached having spent yesterday morning getting up close and personal with alligators in…

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Blog|4 March 2015

Crab and Lobster

Andrew writes this report from a sun-kissed Miami Beach. “It’s fair to say that after ten days in the USA, we have become connoisseurs of cold. There is the gentle, unseasonable chill of North Carolina, or the hard, desiccated freeze of Kansas City; then there is the gnawing cold of New York City, or the crunch…

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Blog|3 March 2015

Bottled water, free range eggs, and a proper cup of tea

Emma has a few things to get off her chest… “They say a choir marches on its stomach… OK, maybe they don’t, but food and drink seems to be a predominant theme of conversation among this particular ensemble. Three things in particular have been occupying our various gastronomic thoughts: “First, and with more of an…

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Blog|2 March 2015

Full of Beans

Eleanor filed this report of our day in t̶h̶e̶ ̶A̶r̶c̶t̶i̶c̶  Boston. “Following a week of substantial and wholesome brunches, we had our first ‘polystyrene breakfast’ of the tour, courtesy of La Quinta. Having fought our way through the crowds to grab our few customary bagels and muffins and the odd plastic knife, we made our way to…

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Latest|1 March 2015

Frozen Apple

Will blogs about a whirlwind visit to NYC. “The last 24 or so hours have been one of the more intense times of the tour, with the generally-despised combo of a 6am alarm call, two flights, and a concert, all in the same day. “With an alarm clock success rate of almost 100%, and temperatures…

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