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Latest|10 November 2019

Discovering Columbus

Here’s Kate, getting our US tour blog underway with news of our time in Columbus, OH! “The morning of Day One of our mini-tour dawned bright and fair. And cold. With temperatures hovering around freezing, we were glad that the more organised members of the group had checked the forecast before leaving the UK and…

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Latest|20 December 2018

Adventures on two wheels

Here’s Tom and Emma, wrapping up our Christmas US tour blog from Kansas City. “Stepping off the plane at Kansas City airport, we had a free day stretching out in front of us. The Marriott Hotel in Downtown KC has been the standard accommodation for itinerant Stilists for all our trips here, so that was…

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Latest|18 December 2018

Howdy Texas!

Eleanor blogs about our time in Texas! “The first few days of our tour were characterised by labyrinthine churches, warm acoustics, and even warmer Texan hospitality. Our first stop was Dallas, where we returned to the Church of the Incarnation to present our new Christmas programme, A Spanish Nativity, and were rewarded afterwards with a…

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Latest|23 October 2018

Meatless in Macau

As we battle the jet lag back in London, here’s Becky with the final instalment of our tour blog! “Arriving in Macau at night gives one a first impression of opulence and vulgarity – it’s not known as the ‘Vegas of China’ for nothing – but as we discovered over the next couple of days,…

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Latest|21 October 2018

Korea highlights

Here’s Andrew’s blog about a memorable few days in South Korea. “Having finally satisfied the good folk of TSA that we were carrying nothing more seditious than Ferrabosco, Dowland, and an ample supply of sleeping pills, we boarded our 0135 flight and settled in for the sixteen hour journey from New York to Taipei. Once…

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Latest|18 October 2018

Welcome to the USSSSA!

Here’s Helen, getting our tour blog underway! “It’s fair to say that our time in the States was dominated by four letters – SSSS. “We set off early on Thursday morning to Gatwick airport. The Korean visas had been completed at the eleventh hour, so James and Becky were distributing passports in the check-in queue!…

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Latest|9 October 2018

Around the world in twelve days

Stile Antico is about to embark on its most ambitious tour yet, geographically speaking – a complete trip around the world, with concerts in the US and East Asia. On Thursday we fly to Denver, Colorado, where we perform on Friday evening in St John’s Cathedral. Concerts follow in St Mary the Virgin, NYC, and…

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Latest|16 April 2018

Favourite moments

Yesterday’s concert in the wonderful Sala de Conciertos at the Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango in Bogotá rounded off a memorable two week tour in North and South America. We took a few minutes to look back over our favourite moments of the trip. Tom K: Savannah. It’s hard not say that name with a deep southern…

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Latest|16 April 2018

Polyphony in Paradise

Tom Kelly has this account of an unforgettable stay on the Caribbean island of San Andrés. “Our little Caribbean adventure kicked off a touch nervously. As we landed, an unexplained visible gas mysteriously filled the cabin… “Then we were subject to one of the more opaque immigration queuing systems in recent memory. Still, they are…

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Latest|11 April 2018

Boston, New York, and onward!

As the US leg of our tour came to an end (we’ll be back in October!), we asked the departing Matthew to write about our time in our now-familiar haunts of Boston and NYC. “With the prospect of a busy weekend ahead, Saturday morning saw a much-needed gentle start and civilised after-breakfast departure from the…

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Latest|8 April 2018

Eco warriors on tour

Helen sends dispatches from the front in the war against plastic… “Wednesday morning saw another early wake up from most of us and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful morning sunshine and have a wander by the Savannah river. I pretty much had the place down by the wharves to myself and was…

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Latest|6 April 2018

Sunny Savannah

We asked Becky to kick off our Americas tour blog: here are her memories of a lovely stay in Savannah, GA! “We had very much enjoyed our time in Savannah back in 2011, so we were looking forward to returning for our second appearance at the Savannah Music Festival. After a flight from Heathrow to…

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