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11 September 2019

Youth Consort 2.0

Members of Stile Antico spent a wonderful few days at the end of August working with the highly talented and enterprising young singers who formed the our second Youth Consort. We would like to thank all the participants, the Stile Antico Foundation who supported bursary places, and especially Eleanor, who co-ordinated this exciting project. She writes:

“The Stile Antico Youth Consort had it’s second outing in August 2019, when we were lucky enough to be joined by twenty young singers with an enthusiasm for learning early music and ensemble singing. Ranging in age from 15 to 24, and including singers from as far away as Hong Kong, they all had a unique set of skills and experience to throw into the mix. We spent three days exploring the life of a consort singer, including sessions on ensemble skills, musical interpretation, and singing from sixteenth-century manuscripts. The bravest among them broke off into smaller consorts and tackled pieces in up to seven or eight parts, such as Clemens non Papa’s Ego Flos Campi and Tallis’s Videte Miraculum.”

“Following on from such demands in concentration and vocal stamina, we presented the singers with the ultimate challenge on the final afternoon: Sheppard’s epic Media Vita. They rose to the challenge admirably and filled the chapel of King’s College London with utterly glorious sounds; to see twenty young singers, most of whom had met only thirty hours previously, join together in an unconducted performance of such a challenging and momentous piece, was a very moving experience, and one we hope to repeat very soon!”

