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The Path to Salvation

Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm

The Path to Salvation

Imperial College

Holy Trinity Church, South Kensington, United Kingdom

Passiontide and Holy Week inspired the composers of the Renaissance to some of their most expressive and beautiful music. Stile Antico’s programme leads the listener through this turbulent emotional landscape, from the acclamation of the crowd on Palm Sunday to the desolation of Christ abandoned, the agony of the crucifixion, the wonder of the empty tomb, and finally the joy of Easter morning. Many of the finest composers of the period are represented in a selection of music by turns deeply introspective, searingly intense, and thrillingly exuberant, as befits the unfolding story.

Thomas Weelkes: Hosanna to the son of David
anon (?Leonora d’Este)Ego sum panis vivus
John SheppardI give you a new commandment
Orlande de LassusTristis est anima mea
Thomas Tallis: Salvator mundi I
Tomás Luis de VictoriaO vos omnes, Tenebrae factae sunt
Claudio MonteverdiAdoramus te Christe
John Taverner: Dum transisset Sabbatum
Peter PhilipsEcce vicit Leo
Vicente LusitanoRegina Caeli
Thomas Tomkins: O sing unto the Lord a new Song



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